A03: Aerodynamic coupling of propulsion, airframe, and control surfaces for aircraft with distributed and integrated propulsion systems
Project A3 will investigate the synergetic use of propulsion concepts to provide thrust and simultaneously support the flight control functionalities by detailed aerodynamic studies on a full configuration level based on tailored high fidelity simulation methods. Building up on the conceptual design input information, CAD representations of all three configurations 1a, 1b, and 2a are generated and provided. The aerodynamic investigations will deliver aerodynamic performance figures, but also reveal deceive interference phenomena for the wing-mounted distributed propulsion concepts as well as for the rear-mounted BLI and strut based installation of the jet engine. Moreover, project A03 provides the input for flight mechanical assessments of all three propulsion integration concepts. Technology advancements from other projects on a component level will be integrated and assessed.
Lack of understanding of the dominating aerodynamic effects, synergies, and potentials of distributed and integrated propulsion concepts to support flight control capabilities on a complete aircraft level.
- Advanced tailored CFD methods hold promise to reveal the complex aerodynamic interference effects between airframe and propulsion system.
- Utilize synergetic potential of distributed and integrated propulsion systems in combination with active-flow control to support flight control functionalities and improve performance.
To assess the aerodynamic characteristics and the capabilities to support flight control functionality of the three different propulsion concepts for complete aircraft configurations considering the interaction of propulsion system with the airframe
- High-fidelity geometric representation of the three aircraft configurations
- High-fidelity simulation strategies to analyze the propulsion/airframe interaction for three different modes of flight operation in close collaboration with project areas B and C
- Comprehensive aerodynamic characterization including the computation of longitudinal and lateral stability derivatives provided to project area A
Starting with two configurations, both PhDs of the project will investigate the aerodynamic performance and interaction between the airframe and the engine system. On the one hand, an aircraft with rear-mounted UHBR-engines with BLI will be defined and investigated. On the other hand, a distributed propulsion configuration with electric motors will be investigated. For this configuration a simulation strategy to capture the interaction of propeller slipstreams with the airframe will be developed. The effect of the propeller ensemble position on the aerodynamic interaction of slipstreams with the airframe will be analyzed. To assess the potential of differential thrust for the DP configuration, a “one-engine inoperative scenario” will be studied, where the interference effects and the impact on sizing the empennage are investigated. Regarding the turbofan configuration besides the certification case two operation points at the second climb segment and cruise will be simulated. However, the focus will lay on the engine-airframe interactions and their impact on the trust-drag-balance. After one year of investigation, the turbofan configuration will be replaced by a strut-mounted engine concept with parallel v-tail functions. With the aid of active flow control, the aspect ratio shall be kept low, while retaining functionality of the empennage. At the end of the project period stability and control characteristics will be investigated for all configurations.
Role in SynTrac
Project A03 establishes the key link between the component level studies and the conceptual design and will perform aerodynamic investigations on overall aircraft level. A03 will:
- provide high-fidelity geometry and simulation data to projects in areas A, B and C.
- assess component designs on full aircraft configurations for conceptual assessment in project A06.
- picture will follow in directory
Please note that the Distributed propulsion figure is NOT SynTrac configuration but a it is a configuration similar to SynTrac