Sustainability Goals
The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development defines 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are intended to enable a life in dignity worldwide.
The research of the SFB-TRR 364 SynTrac supports these goals directly. Climate neutral air transport is not only part of Climate Action (goal 13) but in consequence improves Good-Health and Well-Being (goal 3).
Ecological sustainability
Climate-neutral mobility, especially climate-neutral air transport, is necessary to achieve the sustainability goals. A significant increase in the overall efficiency of aircraft is a prerequisite for realizing the vision of a climate-neutral air transport system. The consistent further development of aircraft and propulsion technologies will make a significant contribution to this goal. The synergies associated with greatly increased integration of propulsion systems in future commercial aircraft contribute to this goal to a similar extent, with a potential of 10 to 20% additional energy savings.
With trade and travel playing a fundamental role in today’s life, the access to safe and climate neutral air transport connects people and businesses around the world. In this way it helps to Reduce Inequalities (goal 10) and to strengthen Global Partnerships (goal 17).
All members of the SFB-TRR 364 SynTrac strive to support further sustainability goals in their daily activities. In doing so, we expand the outreach of the research programme significantly and we will have a positive impact on the planet and people.
In our work we want to be responsible in Consumption and we want to Produce our research results in a responsible way (goal 13).
We will achieve responsibility in consumption and production by applying the following principles:
- We share resources rather than procuring equipment individually.
- We use the resources available at our research institutions rather than procuring external resources.
- We take sustainability of production as a procurement criterion which shall be decisive in the case of equally suitable procurement options.
- We use today’s electronic means of communication effectively to minimize travel efforts.
- Out of national and international conferences of equal impact and scientific match we chose the one whose visit causes the least environmental impact.
- We chose mobility options which offer the potential to minimize the environmental impact of travel.
- We conduct our meetings in presence at venues which ensure environmental standards.
- We avoid any form of waste.
As part of a responsible resource management that is linked to Goal 13 “Responsible Consumption and Production”, SynTrac has implemented a dedicated project that facilitates collaborating sustainably within the project.
The INF project is dedicated to ensure that the a) research data, b) research software and c) models originating from SynTrac follow the FAIR guiding principles requiring them to be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. In this way, the INF project supports good research practice by acknowledging that the management and long-term archiving of research data is closely linked to the sustainability of research software.
We want to educate the doctoral researchers and students involved in SynTrac with the highest quality levels (goal 4).
We want to support those entrusted to us in SynTrac to the best of our abilities independent of their diverse backgrounds (goal 5).
The SynTrac community and all its members are actively contributing to the sustainability goals of the SFB-TRR 364 SynTrac. We encourage everybody to propose new means of improvement and appreciate their initiative by making them accessible within the project to multiply their positive impact.